Name: Mehmet Ali Alaboro
Birthday: November 25, 1977
Place of birth: ISTANBUL
Height: 190CM
Eyes Color: Blue
Hair color is: Brown
Education: He graduated from Istanbul University State Conservatory Theater Department in 1999. He completed his master’s degree at Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Art and Design.
Biography: Mehmet Ali Alabora was born on 25 November 1977 in Istanbul. He is the son of the actor Mustafa Alabora and Betül Arım. Memet Ali Alabora, who lived his first theater experience in English in the theater branch of the secondary school, with the plays The Matchmaker, The Violin on the Roof, The Story of the West Side, also played in plays such as “Shakespeare Variations”, “Us, Orhan Veli” during his high school years.
After graduating from Private Boğaziçi High School, he graduated from Istanbul University State Conservatory Theater Department in 1999. He completed his master’s degree at Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Art and Design.
Mehmet Ali Alabora founded a semi-professional theater named “Boğaziçi Sanat” in 1994 under the sponsorship of Private Boğaziçi High School. He played several performances with this team. The first professional theater experience was “Wonder Which?” It started with the game named.
Between 1995 and 1997, he worked with Savaş Ay in the A Team program broadcasted on ATV.
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